Hi everyone,
My mom and I are kinda sharing this blog thing. I'm not really sure what I'm doing so you'll have to be understanding. Also I cant spell worth a crap! lol (and I tend to use some text speak). So I guess that I just post every so often to let you know what is happening in my little homeschool land! :)
Right now, Carly and I are doing Unit Studies and we are taking the unschooling approach to finding the next idea! This week and probably next we are doing our Bird Discovery Days! Which is all about birds. So far, we have visited the Black Swap Bird Observiory (thanks Julie), and the Ottowa National Wildlife Refuge. We have seen a bunch of birds and she has drawn several Pictures in her field notes (some without throwing her pencil once! Thats big for us!). On Wed. we made a nest out of clay and collect things all around the yard that birds whould use to make a nest. Then I found some blue green play dough in the cupboard, so she got some eggs too! Today we acctually started to read some of the HUGE stack of bird stories I got out at the library! We also practiced number recognization ans counting with sunflower seeds (birds eat them), and we did feather painting. The feather painting was fun, but Carly didnt really get that she was supposed to make lines with her feather, so she used it as a paint brush. What she ended up with looked like a nest, so we just made eggs in it with her thumb! :) It was pretty cool looking! After that she went to play with her new ideas (like Sid the Science Kid). She was a bird all afternoon. She made nests out of heir ribbons (and some of my craft ribbon too) and she used the eggs from her kitchen stuff, and she flew around looking for worms. I noticed that she was on the stairs alot and asked her why. She told me that her nest was on the steps cause it was like a branch in the trees and she didnt want the really big bird to come and eat her and her baby birds! lol I guess she is learning after all! Yeah!